.. _alfacase-quick-start-section: Quick Start =========== In this section, it is shown how to create an :program:`ALFAcase` from an existent project, with this exported project you can easily modify your project and reintroduce it, with the modification, back to |alfasim|. Open an ALFAsim Project ----------------------- One of the easiest ways to get started is to export an existing project into a ``.alfacase`` file directly from the interface. Open an existing project and export it using the option :code:`Export ALFAsim Case file...` as illustrated on the figure below: .. image:: /_static/images/alfacase/export_alfacase.png The generated file will contain all project settings, including the default values used by ALFAsim. .. note:: Note that in general default values can be omitted when producing ``.alfacase`` files manually. For illustration, an ``.alfacase`` file looks like this: .. code-block:: yaml :caption: project.alfacase pipes: - name: Conn 1 source: Node 1 target: Node 2 segments: start_positions: values: [0.0] unit: m diameters: values: [0.1] unit: m roughnesses: values: [5e-05] unit: m nodes: - name: Node 1 node_type: mass_source_boundary - name: Node 2 node_type: pressure_boundary