Application API#

Here is listed the completed API available to implement the Application Hooks.


data_model(*, caption, icon=None)#

data_model is an object that keeps together many different properties defined by the plugin and allows developers to build user interfaces in a declarative way.

Application Required:

The following options are required when declaring a data_model and are used into the user interface

  • caption – A text to be displayed over the Tree.

  • icon – Name of the icon to be used over the Tree.


Even though the icon parameter is required, it’s not currently being used.

Plugin Defined:

Visual elements that allow the user to input information into the application, or to arrange better the user interface.

Input Fields:

Visual elements that allow the user to provide input information into the application.


Elements that assist the developer to arrange input fields in a meaningful way.

Check the section visual elements to see all inputs available, and layout elements to see all layouts available.


@data_model(icon='', caption='My Plugin')
class MyModel:
        distance = Quantity(value=1, unit='m', caption='Distance')

def alfasim_get_data_model_type():
        return [MyModel]
../_images/data_model_example_1_1.png ../_images/data_model_example_1_2.png
container_model(*, model, caption, icon=None)#

container_model is an object that keeps together many different properties defined by the plugin and allows developers to build user interfaces in a declarative way similar to data_model().

container_model can also hold a reference to a data_model() declared from the plugin, making this object a parent for all new data_model() created.

Application Required:

The following options are required when declaring a container_model.

  • caption – A text to be displayed over the Tree.

  • icon – Name of the icon to be used over the Tree.

  • model – A reference to a class decorated with data_model().


Even though the icon parameter is required, it’s not currently being used.

Plugin defined:

Visual elements that allow the user to input information into the application, or to arrange better the user interface.

Input Fields:

Visual elements that allow the user to provide input information into the application.


Elements that assist the developer to arrange input fields in meaningfully way.

Check the section visual elements to see all inputs available, and layout elements to see all layouts available.


@data_model(icon="", caption="My Child")
class ChildModel:
    distance = Quantity(value=1, unit="m", caption="Distance")

@container_model(icon='', caption='My Container', model=ChildModel)
class MyModelContainer:
    my_string = String(value='Initial Value', caption='My String')

def alfasim_get_data_model_type():
    return [MyModelContainer]
../_images/container_model_example_1_1.png ../_images/container_model_example_1_2.png ../_images/container_model_example_1_3.png

Container data also includes automatically two actions for the model:

Action: Create new Model

An action that creates a new model inside the container selected, you can activate this action by right-clicking in the container over the Tree, or by clicking on the “Plus” icon available at the Model Explorer.

../_images/container_model_new_model_1.png ../_images/container_model_new_model_2.png

Action: Remove

An action that remove the selected model, only available for models inside a container, you can activate this action by right-clicking the model over the Tree, or by clicking on the “Trash” icon available at the Model Explorer.

../_images/container_model_remove_1.png ../_images/container_model_remove_2.png


The types module supplies UI elements for creating user interfaces with the classic desktop-style, each type has a related model.

Models are the primary elements to create user interfaces on ALFAsim, models can display data, receive user input, and provide a container for other fields that should be grouped together.

class BaseField#

A base field for all types available at ALFAsim.

  • caption – Label to be displayed on the right side of the component.

  • tooltip – Shows a tip, a short piece of text.

  • enable_expr – Function to evaluate if the component will be enabled or not.

  • visible_expr – Function to inform if the component will be visible or not.

Caption and Tooltip:

Caption is the most basic information that all fields must inform, it will display Label over the right side of the component on the Model Explorer window.

Tooltips are short pieces of text to reminder/inform the user about some specificity about the property when they keep the mouse over the field. Tooltips must be a string and can have HTML tags and Unicode characters as well.


TypeError – if the tooltip informed is not a string.


@data_model(icon='', caption='My Plugin')
class MyModel:
    my_string_1= String(
        value='String 1',
        caption='My String 1',
        tooltip="Some Text <br> <b> More Information</b>",
    my_string_2 = String(
        value='String 2',
        caption='My String 2',
        tooltip="∩ ∪ ∫ ∬ ∮",

def alfasim_get_data_model_type():
    return [MyModel]

The images below shows the output from the example above.

../_images/base_field_caption.png ../_images/base_field_tootip_1.png ../_images/base_field_tootip_2.png

Enable Expression:

Accepts a python function that controls either the component will be enabled, or disabled. The python function will receive two arguments, an instance of itself (to check local values) and an instance of Context to retrieve information about the application.

This function must return a boolean, informing True (for enabled) or False (for disabled).

enabled: The component will handle keyboard and mouse events.

disabled: The component will not handle events and it will be grayed out.


def my_check(self, ctx):
    return self.bool_value

@data_model(icon="", caption="My Plugin")
class MyModel:
    bool_value = Boolean(value=True, caption="Enabled")
    N_ions = Quantity(
        caption='Number of Ions',

def alfasim_get_data_model_type():
    return [MyModel]

The image below shows the N_ions property disabled, when the property bool_value is disabled (False)

../_images/base_field_enable_expr_1.png ../_images/base_field_enable_expr_2.png

Visible Expression:

Accepts a python function that controls either the component will be visible, or not. The python function will receive two arguments, an instance of itself (to check local values) and an instance of Context() to retrieve information about the application.

This function must return a boolean, informing True (for visible) or False (for invisible).


def my_check(self, ctx):
    return self.bool_value

@data_model(icon="", caption="My Plugin")
class MyModel:
    bool_value = Boolean(value=True, caption="Enabled")
    N_ions = Quantity(
        caption="Number of Ions",

def alfasim_get_data_model_type():
    return [MyModel]

The image below shows the N_ions property visible, when the property bool_value is enabled (True)

../_images/base_field_visible_expr_1.png ../_images/base_field_visible_expr_2.png
class String#

The String field represents an input that allows the user to enter and edit a single line of plain text.

The String field have all options available from BaseField, plus the following ones


value – property to hold the value informed by the user.


@data_model(icon="", caption="My Plugin")
class MyModel:
    string_field = String(
        value="Default Value",
        caption="String Field",

Accessing String Field from Plugin:

In order to access this field from inside the plugin implementation, in C/C++ you need to use get_plugin_input_data_string_size() together with get_plugin_input_data_string_size()

Accessing String Field from Context:

When accessed from the Context, the String field will return the currently text as str.

>>> ctx.get_model("MyModel").string_field
'Default Value'

>>> type(ctx.get_model("MyModel").string_field)
<class 'str'>
class Enum#

The Enum field provides list of options to the user, showing only the select item but providing a way to display a list of all options through a combo-box.

The Enum field have all options available from BaseField, besides the listed the ones listed above:

  • values – A list of strings with the available options.

  • initial – Indicates which one of the options should be selected per default. If not given, the first item in values will be used as default.


@data_model(icon="", caption="My Plugin")
class MyModel:
    enum_field = Enum(
        values=["Option 1, Option 2"],
        initial="Option 1",
        caption="Enum Field",

Accessing Enum Field from Plugin:

In order to access this field from inside the plugin implementation, in C/C++, you need to use get_plugin_input_data_enum()

Accessing Enum Field from Context:

When accessed from the Context, the Enum field will return the currently selected option as str.

@data_model(icon="", caption="My Plugin")
class MyModel:
    enum_field = Enum(
        values=["Option 1", "Option 2"],
        initial="Option 1",
        caption="Enum Field",
# From Terminal
>>> ctx.get_model("MyModel").enum_field
'Option 1'

>>> type(ctx.get_model("MyModel").enum_field)
<class 'str'>
class Reference#

The Reference field provides a list of options to the user and displays the current item selected.

There are two types of models supported by this field.


models from ALFAsim, for example, Tracers.

Custom Data:

a model defined within the plugin.


In order to reference custom data, the model must be inside a container.

  • caption – Property used as a label for the field.

  • ref_type – Property that indicates which type of data the Reference will hold.

  • container_type – The name of the class that holds the ref_type, this property must be used when the ref_type references model from the plugin.

Example using ALFAsimTypes on

@data_model(icon="", caption="My Plugin")
class MyModel:
    tracer_ref = Reference(
        caption="Tracer Type",

Example using Custom Data on

@data_model(caption="My Model")
class MyModel:
    field_1 = String(value="Value 1", caption="String 1")

@container_model(caption="My Container", model=MyModel, icon="")
class MyContainer:
    internal_ref = Reference(
        caption="Internal Reference",

Accessing Reference Field from Plugin:

In order to access this field from inside the plugin implementation, in C/C++, you need to use get_plugin_input_data_reference()

Accessing Reference Field from Context:

When accessed from the Context, the Reference field will return the currently selected option object instance.

With the instance, you can access all attributes from the object normally. Check the example below.

@data_model(caption="My Model")
class MyModel:
    field_1 = String(value="Value 1", caption="String 1")

@container_model(caption="My Container", model=MyModel, icon="")
class MyContainer:
    tracer_ref = Reference(
        caption="Tracer Type",
    internal_ref = Reference(
        caption="Internal Reference",

# Example with Tracer
>>> ctx.get_model("MyContainer").tracer_ref

>>> ctx.get_model("MyContainer").tracer_ref.gas_partition_coefficient
Scalar(0.0, 'kg/kg', 'mass fraction')

# Example with Custom Data
>>> ctx.get_model("MyContainer").internal_ref
MyModel(field_1='Value 1', name='My Model 1')

>>> ctx.get_model("MyContainer").internal_ref.field_1
'Value 1'
class MultipleReference#

The MultipleReference field works similar to Reference, providing a list of options to the user, but allowing multiple values, of the same type, to be chosen.

There are two types of models supported by this field. :ALFAsimTypes: models from ALFAsim, for example, Tracers. :Custom Data: a model defined within the plugin.


In order to reference a custom data the model must be inside a container.

  • caption – Property used as a label for the field.

  • ref_type – Property that indicates which type of data the Reference will hold.

  • container_type – The name of the class that holds the ref_type, this property must be used when the ref_type references model from the plugin.

Example using ALFAsimTypes on

@data_model(icon="", caption="My Plugin")
class MyModel:
    tracer_ref = MultipleReference(
        ref_type=TracerType, caption="Tracer Type"

Example using Custom Data on

@data_model(caption="My Model")
class MyModel:
    field_1 = String(value="Value 1", caption="String 1")

@container_model(caption="My Container", model=MyModel, icon="")
class MyContainer:
    internal_ref = MultipleReference(
        caption="Internal Reference",

Accessing MultipleReference Field from Plugin:

In order to access this field from inside the plugin implementation, in C/C++, you need to use get_plugin_input_data_multiplereference_selected_size()

Accessing MultipleReference Field from Context:

When accessed from the Context, the MultipleReference field will return a list with the currently selected option objects instances.

With the instance, you can access all attributes from the object. Check the example below.

@data_model(caption="My Model")
class MyModel:
    field_1 = String(value="Value 1", caption="String 1")

@container_model(caption="My Container", model=MyModel, icon="")
class MyContainer:
    internal_ref = MultipleReference(
        caption="Internal Reference",

# Example
>>> ctx.get_model("MyContainer").internal_ref
[MyModel(field_1='Value 1', name='My Model 1'),
MyModel(field_1='Value 1', name='My Model 4')]

>>> type(ctx.get_model("MyContainer").internal_ref)
<class 'list'>

>>> ctx.get_model("MyContainer").internal_ref[0]
MyModel(field_1='Value 1', name='My Model 1')
class Quantity#

The Quantity field provides a way to the user provide a scalar value into the application.

The Quantity field have all options available from BaseField, besides the listed the ones listed above: :ivar values: A number value. :ivar unit: Unit for the given scalar.

All scalar values are created using the Barril library

Checkout the Barril documentation, to see all available units


If you want to check the input value, is recommended to include a status monitor in your plugin to make sure that the provided value is valid.

For more details about status monitor check alfasim_get_status()


@data_model(icon="", caption="My Plugin")
class MyModel:
    quantity_field = Quantity(
        value=1, unit="degC", caption="Quantity Field"

Accessing Quantity Field from Plugin:

In order to access this field from inside the plugin implementation, in C/C++, you need to use get_plugin_input_data_quantity()

Accessing Quantity Field from Context:

When accessed from the Context, the Quantity field will return a barril.units.Scalar object, with the current value and unit. Check out the Scalar documentation from Barril for more details about the usage.

@data_model(icon="", caption="My Plugin")
class MyModel:
    quantity_field = Enum(
        values=["Option 1", "Option 2"],
        initial="Option 1",
        caption="Enum Field",

# From Terminal
>>> ctx.get_model("MyModel").quantity_field
Scalar(1.0, 'degC', 'temperature')

>>> ctx.get_model("MyModel").quantity_field.value

>>> ctx.get_model("MyModel").quantity_field.unit

>>> ctx.get_model("MyModel").quantity_field.GetValue('K')
class Table#

The Table component provides a table to the user to be able input values manually or by importing it from a file.


@data_model(icon="", caption="My Model")
class MyModel:
                    caption="Temperature Column Caption",
                    caption="Pressure Column Caption",
        caption="Table Field",

The image above illustrates the output from the example above.


With this component, the user can easily import the content from a file by clicking on the last icon from the toolbar menu.


The wizard assistance supports multiple types of file, the user just needs to inform which kind of configuration the file has.


By the end, it’s possible for the user select to which unit the values must be converted and which columns.

Accessing Table Field from Plugin:

In order to access this field from inside the plugin implementation, in C/C++, you need to use get_plugin_input_data_table_quantity()

Accessing Table Field from Context:

When accessed from the Context, the Table field will return a model, with information about all columns.

 1@data_model(icon="", caption="My Model")
 2class MyModel:
 3    Table(
 4        rows=[
 5            TableColumn(
 6                id='temperature',
 7                value=Quantity(value=1, unit='K', caption='Temperature Column Caption'),
 8            ),
 9            TableColumn(
10                id='pressure',
11                value=Quantity(value=2, unit='bar', caption='Pressure Column Caption'),
12            ),
13        ],
14        caption="Table Field"
15    )
17# From Terminal
18>>> ctx.get_model("MyModel").table_field
21>>> len(ctx.get_model("MyModel").table_field)
24>>> len(ctx.get_model("MyModel").table_field)
25TableRow(temperature=Scalar(1.0, 'K', 'temperature'), pressure=Scalar(2.0, 'bar', 'pressure'))
27>>> ctx.get_model("MyModel").table_field[0].pressure
28Scalar(2.0, 'bar', 'pressure')
class TableColumn#

The TableColumn component provides columns for a Table field. Currently only columns with a Quantity fields are available.

Check out the documentation from Table to see more details about the usage and how to retrieve values.

class Boolean#

The Boolean field provides a checkbox to select/deselect a property.

The Boolean fields have all options available from BaseField, besides the listed the ones listed above: :ivar value: A boolean informing the initial state from the Field


@data_model(icon="", caption="My Plugin")
class MyModel:
    boolean_field = Boolean(
        caption="Boolean Field",

Accessing Boolean Field from Plugin:

In order to access this field from inside the plugin implementation, in C/C++, you need to use get_plugin_input_data_boolean()

Accessing Quantity Field from Context:

When accessed from the Context, the Boolean field will return a boolean value

@data_model(icon="", caption="My Plugin")
class MyModel:
    quantity_field = Boolean(
        caption="Boolean Field",

# From Terminal
>>> ctx.get_model("MyModel").boolean_field
class FileContent#

The FileContent component provides a platform-native file dialog to the user to be able to select a file. The name of the selected file will be available over the GUI.


If you want to make the file mandatory it is recommended to include a status monitor in your plugin to make sure that a file is selected.

For more details about status monitor check alfasim_get_status()


caption – Label to be displayed on the right side of the component.


@data_model(icon="", caption="My Plugin")
class MyModel:
    file_content_field = FileContent(caption="FileContent Field")

Accessing FileContent Field from Plugin:

In order to access this field from inside the plugin implementation, in C/C++, you need to use get_plugin_input_data_file_content() together with get_plugin_input_data_file_content_size()

Accessing Quantity Field from Context:

When accessed from the Context, the FileContent field will return a FileContent object, a Model that represent a file from the filesystem.

Class FileContent

  • path – Return a Path object of the file.

  • content – The content from the file in binary format.

  • size – The size of the file in bytes.

  • modified_date – Return a Datetime object, with the last time the file was modified

>>> ctx.get_model("MyModel").file_content_field.path
>>> ctx.get_model("MyModel").file_content_field.content
b"!Name of Table  [...] "
>>> ctx.get_model("MyModel").file_content_field.size
>>> ctx.get_model("MyModel").file_content_field.modified_date
datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 10, 14, 22, 11, 50795)



The group layout is a container to organize ALFAsim types, only fields that derives from BaseField can be defined inside a group.


@data_model(icon="", caption="My Model")
class MyModel:
    string_field_1 = String(caption="Outside", value="Default")

    @group(caption="Group Container")
    class GroupMain:
        string_field_2 = String(value="Group 1", caption="Inside")
        bool_field = Boolean(value=True, caption="Boolean Field")

The image below shows the output from the example above.



group is a layout component, and will not have an attribute to be accessed through context or API.


Create a tab bar layout, to group multiples :func:”tab” instances.

With the tabs, you can split up complex dialog into “pages” using a :func:”tab” instance.

Notice that only classes decorated with :func:”tab” can be placed inside a tab bar.

Example of usage:

@data_model(icon="", caption="My Model")
class MyModel:
    field = String(caption="String outside tabs", value="Default")

    class MainPage:

        @tab(caption="Fist Tab")
        class Tab1:
            field_1 = String(caption="First Tab", value="Default")

        @tab(caption="Second Tab")
        class Tab2:
            field_2 = String(caption="Second Tab", value="Default")

The image below shows the output from the command above.

../_images/tabs_layout_example_1.png ../_images/tabs_layout_example_2.png


tabs is a layout component, and will not have an attribute to be accessed through context or API.


The tab represents a single entry, on the tabs() layout.

Notice that only components available at the types modules can be placed inside a tab.


class ErrorMessage#

ErrorMessage allows the plugin to display a message over the status monitor, and signalize to the application to block the simulation until the issue is fixed.

  • model_name – Name of the model that issues the error.

  • message – Message that will be displayed over the status monitor.

Checkout the alfasim_get_status() for some examples of `ErrorMessage` in action.

class WarningMessage#

WarningMessage allows the plugin to display a message to the user over the status monitor, and signalizes a minor issue that needs to be fixed but doesn’t block the simulation.

  • model_name – Name of the model that issues the warning.

  • message – Message that will be displayed over the status monitor.

Checkout the alfasim_get_status() for some examples of `WarningMessage` in action.


class Context#

The context class provides information about the current state of the application and the models implemented by the user.

The following methods provide an instance of Context to inform the current state of the application:


Return a list of all Edges available on ALFAsim. Each Edge is represented by an instance of EdgeInfo.

Example of GetEdges


The image above has two Edges configured, in order to access the available Edges, it’s possible to use the method get_edges as demonstrated below.

Accessing GetEdges from the context

>>> ctx.get_edges()[0]
EdgeInfo(name='Pipe 1', number_of_phases_from_associated_pvt=2)

>>> ctx.get_pipelines()[0].number_of_phases_from_associated_pvt
'Pipe 1'

Checkout the EdgeInfo section to know more about the properties available.


Returns an instance of the given model_name.


model_name – must be the name of a model defined within the plugin.

In the example below, the Context is used to access a property from the model MyModel

ctx.GetModel("Acme") as exemplified in the code below.

Setting up the model

@data_model(caption="MyPlugin", icon="")
class MyModel:
    name = String(value="ALFAsim", caption="Field")
    scalar = Quantity(value=1, unit="degC", caption="Field")

def alfasim_get_data_model_type():
    return [MyModel]

Accessing the context

>>> ctx.get_model('MyModel')
MyModel(name='ALFAsim', scalar=Scalar(1.0, 'degC', 'temperature'))

>>> ctx.get_model('MyModel').name

At runtime, you can also verify the names of the models defined by a given plugin. For more information check cpp:func:~alfasim_sdk.context.Context.GetPluginInfoById

  • TypeError – When the given model_name does not exist.

  • FrozenInstanceError – When trying to modify a value


Return a list of all Nodes available on ALFAsim. Each Node is represented by an instance of NodeInfo.

Usage Example of GetNodes


The image above has three nodes configured, you can access this information by using the method get_nodes as demonstrated below.

>>> ctx.get_nodes[0]
NodeInfo(name='Node 1', number_of_phases_from_associated_pvt=2)

>>> ctx.get_nodes[0].name
'Node 1'


The values from NodeInfo are read-only, they cannot be modified.

Checkout the NodeInfo section to know more about the properties available.


Return the physics options from the current project from ALFAsim.

Example of GetPhysicsOptions

The image below shows a configuration from a given project.

../_images/context_get_advanced_options_example_2.png ../_images/context_get_advanced_options_example_1.png

It’s possible to access this information from inside the plugin, by using context api as demonstrate below.

Accessing GetPhysicsOptions from the context

>>> ctx.get_physics_options()
PhysicsOptionsInfo( [...] )

>>> ctx.get_physics_options().emulsion_model.value
EmulsionModelInfo( [ ... ] )

>>> ctx.get_physics_options().hydrodynamic_model
HydrodynamicModelInfo( [ ... ] )

>>> ctx.get_physics_options().hydrodynamic_model.fields
['gas', 'oil', 'droplet', 'bubble']

>>> ctx.get_physics_options().hydrodynamic_model.layers
['gas', 'oil']

>>> ctx.get_physics_options().hydrodynamic_model.phases
['gas', 'oil']

Checkout the PhysicsOptionsInfo section to know more about the properties available.


Return a list with all Pipes available on the Network from the Project. Each Pipe is represented by an instance of PipelineInfo.

Usage Example of GetPipelines


The image above has two Pipelines configured, you can access this information by using the method GetPipelines as demonstrated below.

>>> ctx.get_pipelines()[0]
PipelineInfo(name='Pipe 1 > Pipeline', [ ... ])

>>> ctx.get_pipelines()[0].edge_name
'Pipe 1'

>>> ctx.get_pipelines()[0].total_length
Scalar(1000.0, 'm', 'length')

>>> len(ctx.get_pipelines()[0].segments)


The values from PipelineInfo are read-only, they cannot be modified.

Checkout the PipelineInfo section to know more about the properties available.


Similar to get_plugins_infos() but returns a single instance of PluginInfo from the given plugin_id parameter.

Checkout the PluginInfo section to know more about the properties available.


ValueError – When the plugin informed by plugin_id it’s not available.


Return a list of all plugins available on ALFAsim. Each plugin is represented by an instance of PluginInfo.

Usage Example of GetPluginsInfos

The example demonstrated how you can access information about the plugin from using the cpp:func:~alfasim_sdk.context.Context.GetPluginsInfos method.

Setting up the model

@data_model(caption="MyPlugin", icon="")
class MyModel:
    name = String(value="ALFAsim", caption="Field")
    scalar = Quantity(value=1, unit="degC", caption="Field")

def alfasim_get_data_model_type():
    return [MyModel]

Accessing the context

>>> ctx.get_plugins_infos()
[PluginInfo(caption='myplugin', name='myplugin', enabled=True, models=['MyModel'])]

>>> ctx.get_plugins_infos()[0].enabled

>>> ctx.get_plugins_infos()[0].models

Checkout the PluginInfo section to know more about the properties available.

class EdgeInfo(name, number_of_phases_from_associated_pvt)#

The EdgeInfo provides information about a Edge from ALFAsim, it provides the name of the Node and the number of phases that the associate pvt model has.

class EmulsionModelInfo(enabled, relative_viscosity_model, droplet_size_model, inversion_point_model)#

EmulsionModelInfo provides information about whether the emulsion model is enabled and the models used for relative viscosity, droplet size, and inversion point.

class HydrodynamicModelInfo(selected_base_type, phases, fields, layers, has_water_phase)#

HydrodynamicModelInfo provides information about which layer, fields, and phases the currently Hydrodynamic model is using.

class NodeInfo(name, number_of_phases_from_associated_pvt)#

The NodeInfo provides information about a Node from ALFAsim, it provides the name of the Node and the number of phases that the associate PVT model has.

class PhysicsOptionsInfo(emulsion_model, solids_model, hydrodynamic_model)#

PhysicsOptionsInfo provides information about the physics options available at ALFAsim.

The following option can be accessed:

Emulsion Model: Informs the relative viscosity, droplet size, and inversion point emulsion models

Solids Model: Informs the current solid model being used by the application For more information about all options available check SolidsModelType

Hydrodynamic Model: Provides a HydrodynamicModelInfo informing which layers, fields and phases the application is currently using.

class PipelineInfo(name, edge_name, segments, total_length)#

The PipelineInfo provides information about the geometry of a pipeline.

PipelineSegmentInfo provides the following attributes: :ivar name: Name associated with this Pipeline on ALFAsim

  • edge_name – Name of the edge that this Pipeline is associated with.

  • segments – List of segments associates with this Pipeline For more information check PipelineSegmentInfo

  • total_length – Total length of the pipeline.

class PipelineSegmentInfo(inner_diameter, start_position, is_custom, roughness)#

The PipelineSegmentInfo provides information about segments associated with a pipeline.

PipelineSegmentInfo provides the following attributes:

  • start_position – Defines point where this segment starts in MD (measured depth).

  • inner_diameter – Inner diameter of pipe annulus.

  • roughness – Absolute roughness of the wall of this segment. When `is_custom` is true, the reported roughness is customized for this segment, otherwise, the reported roughness is the original reported by the wall.

  • is_custom – Informs either the roughness value is custom or original from the wall

class PluginInfo(caption, name, enabled, models)#

PluginInfo provides information about the plugin name, its current state (either enabled or not) and all models defined from this plugin.